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Pos fonksiyonu sonucu if e girmiyor. |
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Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 16 Eylül 2024 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 15 |
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Alıntı ElifKarabacak
Bu mesaj kurallara aykırıysa buradan yöneticileri bilgilendirebilirsiniz.
Gönderim Zamanı: 21 Kasım 2024 Saat 15:44 |
Aşağıdaki kodda 'idgridac' fonksiyonunda Pos ile '{ ' karakterini ana stringde bulamadığı zaman aşağıdaki if e girmesi lazım ama girmiyor. Yardımcı olabilir misiniz? " if (Position <= 0) " var jsonObject:TClJsonQuery; clRest:TclRest; mainform: TclForm; progrid: TclProGrid; mainvertScrollBox: TCLVertScrollBox; idstr:String; firstName:String; FSenderId:TCLProGrid; FRowId, FColId : Integer; mainform2:TclForm; mainvertScrollBox2:TCLVertScrollBox; jsonObject2:TClJsonQuery; progrid2:TCLProGrid; Position: Integer; void idgridac; { FSenderId = TCLProGrid(mainform.ClSender); FRowId = mainform.ClSenderRow; // 1 den başlıyor satırlar FColId = mainform.ClSenderCol; //0 dan başlıyor sütunlar ShowMessage('['+IntToStr(FRowId)+','+IntToStr(FColId)+'] '+'Hücresinde Bulunan Veri: '+FSenderId.Cells[FColId,FRowId]); mainform2 = TclForm.Create(self); ClRTSetProperty(mainform2,'ClientWidth',900); ClRTSetProperty(mainform2,'ClientHeight',750); mainvertScrollBox2 = mainform2.AddNewVertScrollBox(mainform2,'mainvertScrollBox2'); mainvertScrollBox2.align=alClient; try jsonObject2 = Clomosy.ClDataSetFromJSON(FSenderId.Cells[FColId,FRowId]); jsonObject2.openorexecute; ShowMessage(FSenderId.Cells[FColId,FRowId]); with jsonObject2 do { if (Found) { First; while (not EOF) { Position = Pos('{', FSenderId.Cells[FColId,FRowId]); if (Position >= 0) { ShowMessage('Substring not found.'); } else { ShowMessage('Substring found. Position: ' + IntToStr(Position)); progrid2 = mainform2.addnewprogrid(mainvertScrollBox2, 'progrid2'); progrid2.AutoSizeColumns(True,300); ProGrid2.ConnectDataSet(jsonObject2); with progrid2 do { align= alClient; margins.right= 30; margins.left= 30; margins.bottom= 30; // width=(mainform.clwidth*90)/100; //height=(mainform.clheight*75)/100; FixedLayoutFillColor = clalphacolor.clhextocolor('#3fc660'); } ShowMessage(FieldByName('address').AsString); // mainform2.AddNewEvent(progrid2, tbeOnProGridCellClick,'idgridac2'); } Next; } } } except ShowMessage('Exception Class2: '+LastExceptionClassName+' Exception Message: '+LastExceptionMessage); }; } void usersgrid; { clRest = TclRest.Create; jsonObject = TClJsonQuery.Create(nil); clRest.BaseURl = ''; clRest.Accept = 'application/json'; clRest.Method = rmGet; clRest.Execute; ShowMessage(clRest.Response); try jsonObject = Clomosy.ClDataSetFromJSON(clRest.Response); jsonObject.openorexecute; with jsonObject do { if (Found) { First; while (not EOF) { progrid = mainform.addnewprogrid(mainvertScrollBox, 'progrid'); progrid.AutoSizeColumns(True,300); ProGrid.ConnectDataSet(jsonObject); with progrid do { align= alClient; margins.right= 30; margins.left= 30; margins.bottom= 30; // width=(mainform.clwidth*90)/100; //height=(mainform.clheight*75)/100; FixedLayoutFillColor = clalphacolor.clhextocolor('#3fc660'); } ShowMessage(FieldByName('id').AsString); mainform.AddNewEvent(progrid, tbeOnProGridCellClick,'idgridac'); Next; } } } except ShowMessage('Exception Class1: '+LastExceptionClassName+' Exception Message: '+LastExceptionMessage); } } { mainform = TclForm.Create(self); ClRTSetProperty(mainform,'ClientWidth',900); ClRTSetProperty(mainform,'ClientHeight',750); mainvertScrollBox = mainform.AddNewVertScrollBox(mainform,'mainvertScrollBox'); mainvertScrollBox.align=alClient; usersgrid; mainform.Run; } |
Forum Yöneticisi Kayıt Tarihi: 09 Ekim 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 150 |
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Alıntı BilalCndn
Bu mesaj kurallara aykırıysa buradan yöneticileri bilgilendirebilirsiniz.
Merhaba Elif,
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