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Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2024 Konum: Konya Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 14 |
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Alıntı steelwing
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Gönderim Zamanı: 11 Temmuz 2024 Saat 14:44 |
var MyForm: TclGameForm; ImgBall, ImgHole, Imgmeteor, Imgmeteor2, Imgmeteor3: TclProImage; DeviceMotionSensor: TClMotionSensor; LblDisplay: TclLabel; GameTimer, MeteorTimer: TclTimer; BtnStartGame: TclButton; geribtn: TClProButton; SoundIndex: Integer; myDeviceManager: TclDeviceManager; HoleMin_X, HoleMax_X: Single; // Ball must be placed inside these coordinates HoleMin_Y, HoleMax_Y: Single; number, BallSpeed: Integer; meteorSpeed: Single; // Variable for meteor movement meteorDirection1, meteorDirection2, meteorDirection3: Integer; // Directions for meteors procedure geriprcdr; begin TclProButton(MyForm.clFindComponent('BtnGoBack')).Click; end; function isBallinTheHole: Boolean; var centX, CentY: Single; begin Result := False; centX := ImgBall.Position.X + (ImgBall.Width / 2); centY := ImgBall.Position.Y + (ImgBall.Height / 2); if (centX <= HoleMax_X) and (centX >= HoleMin_X) and (centY <= HoleMax_Y) and (centY >= HoleMin_Y) then Result := True; end; function isBallCrashed: Boolean; begin Result := False; if (ImgBall.Position.X + ImgBall.Width > Imgmeteor.Position.X) and (ImgBall.Position.X < Imgmeteor.Position.X + Imgmeteor.Width) and (ImgBall.Position.Y + ImgBall.Height > Imgmeteor.Position.Y) and (ImgBall.Position.Y < Imgmeteor.Position.Y + Imgmeteor.Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; if (ImgBall.Position.X + ImgBall.Width > Imgmeteor2.Position.X) and (ImgBall.Position.X < Imgmeteor2.Position.X + Imgmeteor2.Width) and (ImgBall.Position.Y + ImgBall.Height > Imgmeteor2.Position.Y) and (ImgBall.Position.Y < Imgmeteor2.Position.Y + Imgmeteor2.Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; if (ImgBall.Position.X + ImgBall.Width > Imgmeteor3.Position.X) and (ImgBall.Position.X < Imgmeteor3.Position.X + Imgmeteor3.Width) and (ImgBall.Position.Y + ImgBall.Height > Imgmeteor3.Position.Y) and (ImgBall.Position.Y < Imgmeteor3.Position.Y + Imgmeteor3.Height ) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; procedure randomNumber; begin number := Random(TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth); end; procedure MoveMeteors; begin // Update meteor positions Imgmeteor.Position.X := Imgmeteor.Position.X + (meteorSpeed * meteorDirection1); Imgmeteor2.Position.X := Imgmeteor2.Position.X + (meteorSpeed * meteorDirection2); Imgmeteor3.Position.X := Imgmeteor3.Position.X + (meteorSpeed * meteorDirection3); // Check boundaries and reverse direction if needed if (Imgmeteor.Position.X <= 0) or (Imgmeteor.Position.X + Imgmeteor.Width >= TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth) then meteorDirection1 := -meteorDirection1; if (Imgmeteor2.Position.X <= 0) or (Imgmeteor2.Position.X + Imgmeteor2.Width >= TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth) then meteorDirection2 := -meteorDirection2; if (Imgmeteor3.Position.X <= 0) or (Imgmeteor3.Position.X + Imgmeteor3.Width >= TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth) then meteorDirection3 := -meteorDirection3; end procedure ProcOnGameTimer; const BallSpeed = 5; begin if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then begin case DeviceMotionSensor.GetDirectionX of 1: ImgBall.Position.X := ImgBall.Position.X - BallSpeed; // Move left 2: ImgBall.Position.X := ImgBall.Position.X + BallSpeed; // Move right end; case DeviceMotionSensor.GetDirectionY of 1: ImgBall.Position.Y := ImgBall.Position.Y + BallSpeed; // Move up 2: ImgBall.Position.Y := ImgBall.Position.Y - BallSpeed; // Move down end; if (ImgBall.Position.X + ImgBall.Width > TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth) then ImgBall.Position.X := TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth - ImgBall.Width; if (ImgBall.Position.X < 0) then ImgBall.Position.X := 0; if (ImgBall.Position.Y + ImgBall.Height > TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight) then ImgBall.Position.Y := TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight - ImgBall.Height; if (ImgBall.Position.Y < 0) then ImgBall.Position.Y := 0; if isBallinTheHole then begin GameTimer.Enabled := False; ImgBall.Position.X := HoleMin_X * 1.75; ImgBall.Position.Y := HoleMin_Y; if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False; // game stopped BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; MyForm.PlayGameSound(SoundIndex); myDeviceManager.Vibrate(1000); ShowMessage('Tebrikler'); randomNumber; end else if isBallCrashed then begin GameTimer.Enabled := False; MeteorTimer.Enabled := False; if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False; // game stopped ShowMessage('Tekrar deneyiniz'); BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; end; end; end; procedure MeteorTimerProc; begin // Update meteor positions MoveMeteors; end; procedure BtnStartGameClick; begin GameTimer.Enabled := not GameTimer.Enabled; if GameTimer.Enabled then BtnStartGame.Text := 'STOP GAME' else BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; if GameTimer.Enabled then begin ImgBall.Align := alNone; ImgBall.Position.X := number; ImgBall.Position.Y := 0; if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := True; MeteorTimer.Enabled := True; end else begin if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False; // game stopped MeteorTimer.Enabled := False; end; end; procedure InitializeComponents; begin MyForm := TclGameForm.Create(Self); myDeviceManager := TclDeviceManager.Create; MyForm.SetFormBGImage(''); MyForm.AddGameAssetFromUrl(''); SoundIndex := MyForm.RegisterSound('win.wav'); MyForm.SoundIsActive := True; LblDisplay := MyForm.AddNewLabel(MyForm, 'LblDisplay', '--'); LblDisplay.Align := alTop; LblDisplay.Visible := False; BtnStartGame := MyForm.AddNewButton(MyForm, 'BtnStartGame', 'START GAME'); BtnStartGame.Align := alBottom; BtnStartGame.Height := 30; BtnStartGame.StyledSettings := ssFamily; BtnStartGame.TextSettings.FontColor := clAlphaColor.clHexToColor('#FFFFFF'); BtnStartGame.Margins.Bottom := 50; MyForm.AddNewEvent(BtnStartGame, tbeOnClick, 'BtnStartGameClick'); geribtn := MyForm.AddNewProButton(MyForm, 'geribtn', ''); clComponent.SetupComponent(geribtn, '{"Align" : "None","Width":70,"Height":50,"ImgUrl":""}'); MyForm.AddNewEvent(geribtn, tbeOnClick, 'geriprcdr'); geribtn.Position.X := 5; geribtn.Position.Y := 7; ImgHole := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgHole'); ImgHole.clSetImage(''); ImgHole.Margins.Top := 120; ImgHole.Properties.AutoSize := True; ImgHole.Align := alCenter; ImgBall := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgBall'); ImgBall.clSetImage(''); ImgBall.Width := 50; ImgBall.Height := 50; ImgBall.Align := alCenter; Imgmeteor := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'Imgmeteor'); Imgmeteor.clSetImage(''); Imgmeteor.Width := 150; Imgmeteor.Height := 270; Imgmeteor.Align := alNone; Imgmeteor.Position.X := 200; Imgmeteor.Position.Y := 370; Imgmeteor.RotationAngle := -90; Imgmeteor2 := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'Imgmeteor2'); Imgmeteor2.clSetImage(''); Imgmeteor2.Width := 100; Imgmeteor2.Height := 100; Imgmeteor2.Align := alNone; Imgmeteor2.Position.X := 10; Imgmeteor2.Position.Y := 120; Imgmeteor2.RotationAngle := -270; Imgmeteor3 := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'Imgmeteor3'); Imgmeteor3.clSetImage(''); Imgmeteor3.Width := 150; Imgmeteor3.Height := 50; Imgmeteor3.Align := alNone; Imgmeteor3.Position.X := 100; Imgmeteor3.Position.Y := 50; Imgmeteor3.RotationAngle := -180; HoleMin_X := ImgBall.Position.X / 1.75; HoleMax_X := HoleMin_X + (ImgBall.Width * 5); // Ball must be placed inside these coordinates HoleMin_Y := ImgBall.Position.Y + 18; // LblDisplay.Visible true oldugunda orta nokta alınırken android de yanlış hesaplanıyor HoleMax_Y := HoleMin_Y + ImgBall.Height; ImgBall.Position.Y := HoleMin_Y; DeviceMotionSensor := MyForm.AddNewSensorsMotion(MyForm, 'DeviceMotionSensor'); GameTimer := MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm, 'GameTimer', 1000); GameTimer.Interval := 30; // 30 milliseconds interval GameTimer.Enabled := False; MyForm.AddNewEvent(GameTimer, tbeOnTimer, 'ProcOnGameTimer'); MeteorTimer := MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm, 'MeteorTimer', 10); MeteorTimer.Interval := 10; // 10 milliseconds interval for meteor movement MeteorTimer.Enabled := True; MyForm.AddNewEvent(MeteorTimer, tbeOnTimer, 'MeteorTimerProc'); // Initialize meteor directions meteorDirection1 := 1; // Move right initially meteorDirection2 := 1; // Move right initially meteorDirection3 := 1; // Move right initially meteorSpeed := 1; // Set meteor speed if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then MyForm.Run; end; begin InitializeComponents; end; |
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