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Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 24 Temmuz 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 16 |
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Alıntı SefaBuyuksoylu
Bu mesaj kurallara aykırıysa buradan yöneticileri bilgilendirebilirsiniz.
Gönderim Zamanı: 08 Ağustos 2023 Saat 10:23 |
function isBallinTheHole2: Boolean;
begin Result := False; if (ImgBall.Left+ImgBall.Width >= ImgHole2.Left) and (ImgBall.Top <= ImgHole2.Top+ImgHole2.Height) and (ImgBall.Top+ImgBall.Height >= ImgHole2.Top) and (ImgBall.Left <= ImgHole2.Left+ImgHole2.Width) then Result := True; end; function isBallinTheHole3: Boolean; begin Result:=False; if (ImgBall.Left+ImgBall.Width >= ImgHole1.Left) and (ImgBall.Top <= ImgHole1.Top+ImgHole1.Height) and (ImgBall.Top+ImgBall.Height >= ImgHole1.Top) and (ImgBall.Left <= ImgHole1.Left+ImgHole1.Width) then Result:=True; end; Uygulamam ortadan geçtiğinde de sanki engele çarpmış gibi mesaj verip oyunu bitiriyor,kod kısmını attım acaba yükseklikle alakalı bir sorun mu var? |
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 26 Temmuz 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 150 |
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Şuan bundan daha güzel çalışan bir karşılaştırma koduna sahibim.
Bunu deneyebilirsiniz.
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 24 Temmuz 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 16 |
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Alıntı SefaBuyuksoylu
Bu mesaj kurallara aykırıysa buradan yöneticileri bilgilendirebilirsiniz.
Bu şekil hata alıyorum max tanımlı değil hatası ??
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 26 Temmuz 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 150 |
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Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 24 Temmuz 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 16 |
Mesaj Seçenekleri
Yanıt Yaz
Alıntı SefaBuyuksoylu
Bu mesaj kurallara aykırıysa buradan yöneticileri bilgilendirebilirsiniz.
MyForm:TclGameForm; ImgBall, ImgHole1,ImgHole2:TclProImage; DeviceMotionSensor:TClMotionSensor; LblDisplay:TclLabel; GameTimer,Timer,Timer1,Timer2:TClTimer; BtnStartGame:TclButton; SoundIndex:Integer;myDeviceManager:TclDeviceManager;Kus_X,Kus_Y: Single;a,b,b1:Boolean;intersect_x1, intersect_y1, intersect_x2, intersect_y2,intersect_area: Integer; intersect_x1_2,intersect_y1_2,intersect_x2_2,intersect_y2_2,intersect_area1:Integer; Function Max(in1,in2: Integer): Integer; Begin if in1 >= in2 then Result:= in1; else Result:= in2; End; Function Min(in1,in2: Integer): Integer; Begin if in1 <= in2 then Result:= in1 else Result:= in2; End; Procedure ProcOnGameTimer1; begin if a then MyForm.SetFormBGImage('rkw3wez.jpg') else MyForm.SetFormBGImage('234mi5f.jpg'); a:= not a; End; function isBallinTheHole2: Boolean; begin Result := False; if (ImgBall.Left+ImgBall.Width >= ImgHole2.Left) and (ImgBall.Top <= ImgHole2.Top+ImgHole2.Height) and (ImgBall.Top+ImgBall.Height >= ImgHole2.Top) and (ImgBall.Left <= ImgHole2.Left+ImgHole2.Width) then Result := True; end; function isBallinTheHole3: Boolean; begin Result:=False; if (ImgBall.Left+ImgBall.Width >= ImgHole1.Left) and (ImgBall.Top <= ImgHole1.Top+ImgHole1.Height) and (ImgBall.Top+ImgBall.Height >= ImgHole1.Top) and (ImgBall.Left <= ImgHole1.Left+ImgHole1.Width) then Result:=True; end; Procedure ProcOnGameTimer3; Const BallSpeed = 8; begin ImgHole2.Align := alNone; If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then Begin ImgHole2.Position.X := ImgHole2.Position.X - BallSpeed;//Move left end; if (ImgHole2.Position.X + ImgHole2.Width) > TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth then // Form Right border control ImgHole2.Position.X := TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth - ImgHole2.Width; if (ImgHole2.Position.Y + ImgHole2.Height) > TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight then // Form Bottom border control ImgHole2.Position.Y := TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight - ImgHole1.Height; if (ImgHole2.Position.Y < 0) then // Top border control ImgHole2.Position.Y := 0; end; Procedure ProcOnGameTimer2; Const BallSpeed = 8; begin ImgHole1.Align := alNone; If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then Begin ImgHole1.Position.X := ImgHole1.Position.X - BallSpeed;//Move left end; if (ImgHole1.Position.X + ImgHole1.Width) > TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth then // Form Right border control ImgHole1.Position.X := TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth - ImgHole1.Width; if (ImgHole1.Position.Y + ImgHole1.Height) > TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight then // Form Bottom border control ImgHole1.Position.Y := TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight - ImgHole1.Height; if (ImgHole1.Position.Y < 0) then // Top border control ImgHole1.Position.Y := 0; end; Procedure ProcOnGameTimer; Const BallSpeed = 8; begin If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then Begin Case DeviceMotionSensor.GetDirectionX of 1:ImgBall.Position.X := ImgBall.Position.X - BallSpeed;//Move left 2:ImgBall.Position.X := ImgBall.Position.X + BallSpeed;//Move right End; Case DeviceMotionSensor.GetDirectionY of 1:ImgBall.Position.Y := ImgBall.Position.Y - BallSpeed;//Move up 2:ImgBall.Position.Y := ImgBall.Position.Y + BallSpeed;//Move down End; if (ImgBall.Position.X + ImgBall.Width) > TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth then // Form Right border control ImgBall.Position.X := TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth - ImgBall.Width; if (ImgBall.Position.X) < 0 then // Left border control ImgBall.Position.X := 0; if (ImgBall.Position.Y + ImgBall.Height) > TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight-150 then // Form Bottom border control ImgBall.Position.Y := TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight-150 - ImgBall.Height; if (ImgBall.Position.Y < 0) then // Top border control ImgBall.Position.Y := 0; else if b1 or isBallinTheHole2 then begin GameTimer.Enabled := False; Timer.Enabled := False; Timer1.Enabled:=False; Timer2.Enabled:=False; ImgBall.Position.X := Kus_X; ImgBall.Position.Y := Kus_Y; If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False;//game stopped BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; ImgHole2.Position.x:=250; ImgHole2.Position.y:=1; ImgHole2.Margins.Top:=1; ImgHole2.Margins.Bottom:=500; ImgHole2.Margins.Left:=440; ImgHole2.Margins.Right:=60; MyForm.PlayGameSound(SoundIndex); //sound effect myDeviceManager.Vibrate(1000); // vibration feature ShowMessage('Mission Failed'); end; else if b or isBallinTheHole3 then begin GameTimer.Enabled := False; Timer.Enabled := False; Timer1.Enabled:=False; Timer2.Enabled:=False; ImgBall.Position.X := Kus_X; ImgBall.Position.Y := Kus_Y; If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False;//game stopped BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; ImgHole1.Position.x:=250; ImgHole1.Position.y:=270; ImgHole1.Margins.Top:=270; ImgHole1.Margins.Bottom:=10; ImgHole1.Margins.Left:=30; ImgHole1.Margins.Right:=40; MyForm.PlayGameSound(SoundIndex); //sound effect myDeviceManager.Vibrate(1000); // vibration feature ShowMessage('Mission Failed'); end; End; End; Procedure BtnStartGameClick; begin GameTimer.Enabled := Not GameTimer.Enabled; Timer.Enabled := Not Timer.Enabled; Timer1.Enabled:= Not Timer1.Enabled; Timer2.Enabled:=Not Timer2.Enabled; If (GameTimer.Enabled) and (Timer.Enabled) and (Timer1.Enabled) and (Timer2.Enabled) Then BtnStartGame.Text := 'STOP GAME' ELSE BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; If (GameTimer.Enabled) and (Timer.Enabled) and (Timer1.Enabled) and (Timer2.Enabled) Then Begin ImgBall.Align := alNone; ImgBall.Position.x := 0; ImgBall.Position.y := 0; If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := True; End Else If Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile Then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False;//game stopped End; Begin a:= False; MyForm := TclGameForm.Create(Self); myDeviceManager := TclDeviceManager.Create; MyForm.SetFormBGImage(''); MyForm.AddGameAssetFromUrl(''); SoundIndex := MyForm.RegisterSound('win.wav'); MyForm.SoundIsActive:=True; LblDisplay:= MyForm.AddNewLabel(MyForm,'LblDisplay','--'); LblDisplay.Align := alTop; LblDisplay.Visible := False; BtnStartGame:= MyForm.AddNewButton(MyForm,'BtnStartGame','START GAME'); BtnStartGame.Align := alBottom; BtnStartGame.Height:=30; BtnStartGame.StyledSettings := ssFamily; BtnStartGame.TextSettings.FontColor := clAlphaColor.clHexToColor('#FFFFFF'); MyForm.AddNewEvent(BtnStartGame,tbeOnClick,'BtnStartGameClick'); ImgHole1 := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm,'ImgHole1'); ImgHole1.clSetImage(''); ImgHole1.Margins.Top:=270; ImgHole1.Margins.Bottom:=10; ImgHole1.Margins.Left:=30; ImgHole1.Margins.Right:=40; ImgHole1.Height:=25; ImgHole1.Width:=75; ImgHole1.Properties.AutoSize := False; ImgHole1.Align := alRight; ImgHole2 := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm,'ImgHole2'); ImgHole2.clSetImage(''); ImgHole2.Margins.Top:=1; ImgHole2.Margins.Bottom:=500; ImgHole2.Margins.Left:=440; ImgHole2.Margins.Right:=60; ImgHole2.Height:=25; ImgHole2.Width:=75; ImgHole2.Properties.AutoSize := False; ImgHole2.Align := alRight; ImgBall := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm,'ImgBall'); ImgBall.clSetImage(''); ImgBall.Width := 60; ImgBall.Height := 60; ImgBall.Align := alCenter; Kus_X:=ImgBall.Position.X+(ImgBall.Width); Kus_Y:=ImgBall.Position.Y+(ImgBall.Height); intersect_x1:= Max(ImgBall.Left, ImgHole1.Left); intersect_y1:= Max(ImgBall.Top, ImgHole1.Top); intersect_x2:= Min(ImgBall.Left+ImgBall.Width, ImgHole1.Left+ImgHole1.Width); intersect_y2:= Min(ImgBall.Top+ImgBall.Height, ImgHole1.Top+ImgHole1.Height); intersect_area:= (intersect_x2 - intersect_x1) * (intersect_y2 - intersect_y1); b:= (intersect_area > 0) and (ImgBall.Top < ImgHole1.Top+ImgHole1.Height); intersect_x1_2:= Max(ImgBall.Left, ImgHole2.Left); intersect_y1_2:= Max(ImgBall.Top, ImgHole2.Top); intersect_x2_2:= Min(ImgBall.Left+ImgBall.Width, ImgHole2.Left+ImgHole2.Width); intersect_y2_2:= Min(ImgBall.Top+ImgBall.Height, ImgHole2.Top+ImgHole2.Height); intersect_area1:= (intersect_x2_2 - intersect_x1_2) * (intersect_y2_2 - intersect_y1_2); b1:= (intersect_area1 > 0) and (ImgBall.Top < ImgHole2.Top+ImgHole2.Height); ImgBall.Align := alNone; ImgBall.Position.Y := Kus_Y; DeviceMotionSensor := MyForm.AddNewSensorsMotion(MyForm,'DeviceMotionSensor'); DeviceMotionSensor.Active := Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile; MyForm.AddGameAssetFromUrl(''); MyForm.AddGameAssetFromUrl(''); GameTimer:= MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm,'GameTimer',1000); GameTimer.Interval := 30; GameTimer.Enabled :=False; MyForm.AddNewEvent(GameTimer,tbeOnTimer,'ProcOnGameTimer'); Timer:= MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm,'timer',300); Timer.Enabled:= False; MyForm.AddNewEvent(Timer,tbeOnTimer,'ProcOnGameTimer1'); Timer1:= MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm,'timer1',300); Timer1.Enabled:= False; MyForm.AddNewEvent(Timer1,tbeOnTimer,'ProcOnGameTimer2'); Timer2:= MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm,'timer2',300); Timer2.Enabled:= False; MyForm.AddNewEvent(Timer2,tbeOnTimer,'ProcOnGameTimer3'); MyForm.Run; End; Tüm proje kodum..
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 26 Temmuz 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 150 |
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