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Aynı konumda olan pngleri hareket ettirmek sorun |
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Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2024 Konum: Konya Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 14 |
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Alıntı steelwing
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Gönderim Zamanı: 21 Ağustos 2024 Saat 09:36 |
Aynı konumda olan pngleri sürekli hareket ettirmek istediğimde sorun yaşıyorum. Pnglerden sadece biri hareket ediyor diğeri ise görünmüyor.
var MyForm: TclGameForm; myGameEngine: TclGameEngine; GameTimer: TClTimer; BtnStartGame: TclButton; geribtn: TclProButton; ImgBack: TclProImage; ImgField, ImgField1, ImgRoad, ImgRoad1, ImgLambo, ImgFerrari: TclProImage; tPosX, tPosY, tPosY1, tPosY2: Single; LamboSpeed: Integer; DeviceMotionSensor: TClMotionSensor; function isLamboCrashed: Boolean; begin Result := False; if (ImgLambo.Position.X + ImgLambo.Width > ImgField.Position.X) and (ImgLambo.Position.X < ImgField.Position.X + ImgField.Width) and (ImgLambo.Position.Y + ImgLambo.Height > ImgField.Position.Y) and (ImgLambo.Position.Y < ImgField.Position.Y + ImgField.Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; if (ImgLambo.Position.X + ImgLambo.Width > ImgField1.Position.X) and (ImgLambo.Position.X < ImgField1.Position.X + ImgField1.Width) and (ImgLambo.Position.Y + ImgLambo.Height > ImgField1.Position.Y) and (ImgLambo.Position.Y < ImgField1.Position.Y + ImgField1.Height) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; procedure geriprcdr; begin TclProButton(MyForm.clFindComponent('BtnGoBack')).Click; end; procedure ProcOnGameTimer; begin ImgRoad.Visible := True; ImgRoad1.Visible := True; ImgFerrari.Visible := True; tPosY := tPosY + 15; // ImgRoad hızı tPosY1 := tPosY1 + 15; // ImgRoad1 hızı tPosY2 := tPosY2 + 4; // ImgRoad pozisyonunu sıfırla if tPosY >= TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight then tPosY := -ImgRoad.Height; // ImgRoad1 pozisyonunu sıfırla if tPosY1 >= TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight then tPosY1 := -ImgRoad1.Height; if tPosY2 >= TForm(MyForm).ClientHeight then tPosY2 := -ImgFerrari.Height; ImgRoad.Position.X := tPosX; ImgRoad.Position.Y := tPosY; ImgRoad1.Position.X := tPosX; ImgRoad1.Position.Y := tPosY1; ImgFerrari.Position.X := tPosX; ImgFerrari.Position.Y := tPosY2; // Jiroskop ile ImgLambo hareketi if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then begin case DeviceMotionSensor.GetDirectionX of 1: ImgLambo.Position.X := ImgLambo.Position.X - LamboSpeed; // Sola hareket et 2: ImgLambo.Position.X := ImgLambo.Position.X + LamboSpeed; // Sağa hareket et end; end; // Çarpışma kontrolü if isLamboCrashed then begin GameTimer.Enabled := False; if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := False; // Oyun durduruldu ShowMessage('Tekrar deneyin.'); // Mesaj gösteriliyor BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; end; end; procedure BtnStartGameClick; begin GameTimer.Enabled := not GameTimer.Enabled; if GameTimer.Enabled then BtnStartGame.Text := 'STOP GAME' else BtnStartGame.Text := 'START GAME'; if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then DeviceMotionSensor.Active := GameTimer.Enabled; end; begin MyForm := TclGameForm.Create(Self); ImgField := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgField'); ImgField.clSetImage(''); ImgField.Width := 50; ImgField.Height := 50; ImgField.Align := alNone; ImgField.Position.X := 340; ImgField.Position.Y := 440; ImgField1 := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgField1'); ImgField1.clSetImage(''); ImgField1.Width := 50; ImgField1.Height := 50; ImgField1.Align := alNone; ImgField1.Position.X := -10; ImgField1.Position.Y := 440; ImgRoad := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgRoad'); ImgRoad.clSetImage(''); ImgRoad.Properties.AutoSize := False; ImgRoad.Width := ImgRoad.Width * 8; ImgRoad.Height := ImgRoad.Height * 32; ImgRoad.Visible := False; ImgRoad.Align := alNone; ImgRoad1 := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgRoad1'); ImgRoad1.clSetImage(''); ImgRoad1.Properties.AutoSize := False; ImgRoad1.Width := ImgRoad1.Width * 8; ImgRoad1.Height := ImgRoad1.Height * 32; ImgRoad1.Visible := False; ImgRoad1.Align := alNone; ImgLambo := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgLambo'); ImgLambo.clSetImage(''); ImgLambo.Width := 150; ImgLambo.Height := 50; ImgLambo.Align := alNone; ImgLambo.Position.X := 150; ImgLambo.Position.Y := 450; ImgFerrari := MyForm.AddNewProImage(MyForm, 'ImgFerrari'); ImgFerrari.clSetImage(''); ImgFerrari.Width := 100; ImgFerrari.Height := 50; ImgFerrari.Align := alNone; ImgFerrari.Position.X := 80; ImgFerrari.Position.Y := 200; tPosX := (TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth - ImgRoad.Width) / 2; tPosY := 0; tPosY1 := -ImgRoad.Height; tPosX := (TForm(MyForm).ClientWidth - ImgFerrari.Width) / 2; tPosY := 0; tPosY2 := -ImgFerrari.Height; LamboSpeed := 2; // ImgLambo hızı // Hareket sensörünü etkinleştir DeviceMotionSensor := MyForm.AddNewSensorsMotion(MyForm, 'DeviceMotionSensor'); DeviceMotionSensor.Active := True; BtnStartGame := MyForm.AddNewButton(MyForm, 'BtnStartGame', 'START GAME'); BtnStartGame.Align := alBottom; BtnStartGame.Height := 30; BtnStartGame.StyledSettings := ssFamily; BtnStartGame.TextSettings.FontColor := clAlphaColor.clHexToColor('#FFFFFF'); BtnStartGame.Margins.Bottom := 50; MyForm.AddNewEvent(BtnStartGame, tbeOnClick, 'BtnStartGameClick'); geribtn := MyForm.AddNewProButton(MyForm, 'geribtn', ''); clComponent.SetupComponent(geribtn, '{"Align" : "None","Width":70,"Height":50,"ImgUrl":""}'); MyForm.AddNewEvent(geribtn, tbeOnClick, 'geriprcdr'); geribtn.Position.X := 5; geribtn.Position.Y := 7; GameTimer := MyForm.AddNewTimer(MyForm, 'GameTimer', 20); GameTimer.Interval := 1; GameTimer.Enabled := True; MyForm.AddNewEvent(GameTimer, tbeOnTimer, 'ProcOnGameTimer'); if Clomosy.PlatformIsMobile then MyForm.Run; end; |
Forum Yöneticisi Kayıt Tarihi: 14 Haziran 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 356 |
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Alıntı Developer
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Merhaba Steelwing ,
Hatan hala devam ediyor mu?
Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 10 Temmuz 2024 Konum: Konya Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 14 |
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Alıntı steelwing
Bu mesaj kurallara aykırıysa buradan yöneticileri bilgilendirebilirsiniz.
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