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base64 formantından veri çekmek |
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Yeni Üye Kayıt Tarihi: 09 Temmuz 2024 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 10 |
Mesaj Seçenekleri
Gönderim Zamanı: 17 Temmuz 2024 Saat 17:22 |
veritabanında base64 formatında tuttuğum veriyi tekrar kullanmak istiyorum nasıl kullanabilirim
Forum Yöneticisi Kayıt Tarihi: 14 Haziran 2023 Durum: Aktif Değil Puanlar: 359 |
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Aşağıdaki kodu inceler misin? var Port: Integer; Form1:TCLForm; qry : TClSQLiteQuery; MemStream: TclMemoryStream; BlobField: TBlobField; Img1 : TclImage; Base64String: string; BinaryData: TBytes; void OnGuideQryClick; { try Qry = Clomosy.DBSQLiteQueryWith('SELECT imgUrl FROM TBLDocs WHERE id = 23'); qry.OpenOrExecute; if (qry.Found) { ShowMessage(qry.FieldByName('imgUrl').AsString); BlobField = qry.FieldByName('imgUrl') as TBlobField; //MemStream = TclMemoryStream.Create; BlobField.SaveToStream(MemStream); // Load BLOB data into the stream MemStream.Position = 0; //Base64String = Clomosy.StreamToBase64(MemStream); //Clomosy.setClipBoard(Base64String);//FOR TEST PURPOSE COPIES BASE6 //Img1.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(MemStream); // Load the image from the stream Img1.Bitmap.LoadFromStream(MemStream); MemStream.Free; } except ShowMessage('[019] Exception Class: '+LastExceptionClassName+' Exception Message: '+LastExceptionMessage); } } void SqLiteInsertData; { try Base64String = Clomosy.FileToBase64(clPathCombine('1Top.png',Clomosy.AppFilesPath)); MemStream = TclMemoryStream.Create(); MemStream = Clomosy.Base64ToStream(Base64String); //BinaryData := TNetEncoding.Base64.DecodeStringToBytes(Base64String); // Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.Sql.Text = ' //INSERT INTO TBLDocs (id, imgName,imgUrl) VALUES (1,''Image 1'','''+Clomosy.FileToBase64(clPathCombine('1Top.png',Clomosy.AppFilesPath))+''');'; //addassetfromurl ile dosyaları indir //Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery. ShowMessage(Clomosy.AppFilesPath); base64String = Clomosy.FileToBase64(clPathCombine('1Top.png',Clomosy.AppFilesPath)); Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.SQL.Text = 'INSERT INTO TBLDocs (id, imgName, imgUrl) VALUES (23, ''test'', :imgUrl)'; //Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.ParamByName('imgName').AsString = 'Image from Base64'; Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.ParamByName('imgUrl').value = MemStream; Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.OpenOrExecute; ShowMessage('Adding data to the table was successful!'); except ShowMessage('Exception Class: '+LastExceptionClassName+' Exception Message: '+LastExceptionMessage); } } void SqLiteConnectionCreateTable; var TableExists: Boolean; { try Clomosy.DBSQLiteConnect(Clomosy.AppFilesPath + 'DBDocsFile.db3', ''); // Check if the table exists Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.Sql.Text = 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table" AND name="TBLDocs";'; Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.OpenOrExecute; // Check the results TableExists = not Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.Eof; // Create the table if it does not exist if not (TableExists) { Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.Sql.Text = 'CREATE TABLE TBLDocs ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, imgName TEXT NOT NULL, imgUrl BLOB NOT NULL );'; Clomosy.DBSQLiteQuery.OpenOrExecute; ShowMessage('Table successfully added to the database!'); } else { ShowMessage('The Products table already exists.'); } except ShowMessage('Exception Class: '+LastExceptionClassName+' Exception Message: '+LastExceptionMessage); } } { Form1 = TclForm.Create(Self); ShowMessage(Clomosy.AppFilesPath); Img1 = Form1.AddNewImage(Form1,'Img1'); Img1.Align = alClient; SqLiteConnectionCreateTable; SqLiteInsertData; OnGuideQryClick; Form1.Run; } |
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